Our Story

College Church is a diverse, interdenominational Protestant church in the heart of the Pioneer Valley, just steps from downtown Northampton.


Since 1972, College Church has sought to “Know Christ and Make Him Known” through biblical preaching, local outreach, church planting and global missions.


In recent years, College Church has experienced an awakening through a renewed commitment to prayer and living out the gospel in every aspect of life and community.


In June of 2015, College Church called Bill Hodgeman to serve as her fourth Senior Pastor. Bill looks forward to continuing the legacy of biblical preaching, and helping College Church to fulfill its mission to love God and love others.



Who We Are

Our Mission

is to embrace and embody the

transforming love of God

through the making, maturing

and multiplying of whole-hearted

followers of Jesus.

Our Vision

is to see a world RENEWED,
neighborhoods TRANSFORMED,
and people brought to LIFE
by the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Our Values







College Church adheres to the Three Historic Creeds of Christianity: Apolstles', Nicene, and Athanasian (PDF).

We are a gospel-centered and interdenominational church, located in Northampton, Massachusetts, serving the Pioneer Valley.

Read our complete Statement of Faith (PDF).



Senior Pastor


Bill Hodgeman is a native New Englander and has served in churches in New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts. He’s a graduate of Azusa Pacific University (Communication, Bible) and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (Masters of Divinity)...


Associate Pastor


Pierre Willems is a San Diego native, who has lived in New England for over 20 years. He has served churches in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and moved to Western Mass in 2017 to be part of a Campus Ministry at UMass Amherst... 


Administration & Connections


Christine is a native of Western MA and a long-time member of College Church. After teaching for over 20 years, Christine came on staff in 2019. She loves providing order and stability and helping people to feel welcome and cared for!...


Intermin Children's Ministry Director


Deana grew up in New Hampshire and moved to the Pioneer Valley in 2017. Deana and her husband Pierre live in Belchertown and have four children  - Marie, Cheri, Luc, and Micah...


Worship Arts Director


A valley native, Joel was born and raised in Northampton, MA. He and several of his seven brothers grew up regularly attending College Church youth group....


Communications Director


A Connecticut native, Amy Jewitt journeyed to Western Massachusetts to attend UMass Amherst, where she earned her BFA in Studio Art, specializing in Painting, with a minor in Art History...


Artist in Residence


Jasmine received her BA in Theatre Arts from Gordon College with minors in Bible, English, and Nonprofit Management, and has worked for years since as an actor, playwright, composer, director, costumer, and producer. She is passionate about the Gospel and the God behind it, full stop....



 . decccu2001@gmail.com

After 12 years in China, Doug returned home in 2012. In addition to serving as a custodian since 2015, Doug has been involved in leading Monday Night Missions Prayer gatherings. Doug has a passion for helping others to grow in their relation-ship with Jesus, and connecting the local church to the worldwide mission of God.

Gospel Partners

College Church is committed to praying for, partnering with and financially supporting a growing global team of people who seek to embody and express the love of Christ among the nations.


We currently support nearly three dozen individuals and organizations serving across four continents.  Our Gospel Partners include:



Elders, described in the New Testament as overseers and shepherds, are called to care for and lead God’s People.  At College Church, the elders serve primarily by:

•  Caring for God’s People

•  Keeping prayer central to the ministry of the church

•  Faithfully teaching and preaching the Word of God


The Deacons serve as “ministers of mercy” – coming alongside of people in stressful situations by meeting physical needs, including food, clothing, shelter and financial assistance. The deacons also serve by preparing Communion, providing visitation and practicing hospitality.

Shepherding Team

Shepherds partner with the elders to establish genuine relationships with people in the congregation for the purpose of providing soul-care, promoting spiritual growth, and protecting from false teaching. These relationships are rooted in prayer and built on mutual trust, listening, love and commitment. Shepherds initiate relationships, respond to people’s needs, and pursue those who are absent from the community.

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