Our Mission

Acknowledge and repent of the harm of racial inequalities in Christian churches and society, including our own. We desire to help our congregation understand racial and ethnic differences, engage in racial justice, grow in curiosity toward others, and develop an inclusive community that loves well.


The Embodied Racial Reconciliation group is open to everyone.


We meet on the second Sunday of the month from 11:30-1:00. We begin with a meal (usually potluck but feel free to come if you do not have food. We always have enough).


Currently we alternate months with meetings of the whole group and parallel ethnic-specific meetings of Euro-Americans and BIPOC (Black and Indigenous and People of Color).


Our typical meetings include time to process current events, an educational component, prayer, and a discussion of practical ways to engage our Church and the wider community in learning and racial justice initiatives.


If you have questions, contact Paul Sorrentino at pvsorrentino@gmail.com or (413) 665-4436