The New Testament calls the church “the Body of Christ.” It’s an organic metaphor designed to show that Jesus’ followers belong to and depend on one another.
Becoming a member is a way of expressing your commitment to your spiritual family, to building one another up, and working to fulfill God’s mission together.
Membership Requirements
Each person seeking membership at College Church should:
1. Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
2. Have been baptized at some time in your life, or be willing to be baptized as soon as it becomes possible (we hold at least two baptism services every summer).
3. Agree with College Church’s Statement of Faith.
The Membership Process
STEP 1: Attend a 3-part Membership Class. Membership classes are offered at least twice per year: typically in the fall and in the spring. Participants are required to share a personal testimony of how they came to faith in Jesus during the third class.
STEP 2: Attend a Worship Service where you are publicly welcomed into Membership. We want to celebrate your addition to our family!
STEP 3: Meet one-on-one with a Pastor or Elder. We want to get to know you, and help you find meaningful ways to experience community and partner with us!
See you at the next Membership Class!
Membership Classes are typically offered in the Fall (Oct or Nov) and in the Spring (March or April) and run for three consecutive Sundays from 11:30-1:00pm. Lunch and childcare are provided.
For more information, contact Christine.