Recovery Church: A Christ-Centered Recovery Group

(chemical dependency)

Recovery Church Northampton launched on April 25, 2023 with its first official gathering at the Fellowship Hall on the College Church campus. RCN is both a recovery community and a church, created by recovering people for recovering people.  It is part of a redemptive movement which began in 2011 in Florida with an ongoing vision to plant recovery churches in every city in our nation.  We are the first in New England.  RCN is a bridge between 12-Step Fellowships and the Church.  Each week we share how faith in Jesus Christ is related to our journey of recovery from alcohol and drug addiction using the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Our weekly gathering includes music, fellowship, teaching or testimony, prayer and an open share time.  The Open Share provides opportunity to talk freely and honestly about our struggles, as well as share our experience, strength and hope.  The love and grace of God in community with others is healing at deep levels!


We realize that alcohol and drug addiction have a radiating influence in families.  For that reason, our goal is to offer help and hope for friends and spouses of those caught in the bondage of active addiction and those in recovery.  We provide separate open share meetings after the worship gatherings each Tuesday for reflection on how to live with or recover from the chaos and heartbreak of living with an addict.  We see this as part of the overall spiritual healing that needs to happen in families in our city and nation. 


If you or someone you love is having a problem with illicit drugs or alcohol, we can help.  For more information about Recovery Church Northampton, or to get information regarding resources in our community, go to our website at


College Church Fellowship Hall

58 Pomeroy Terrace

Northampton, MA. 01060